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Why Do People Love to Read Books?

Why Do People Love to Read Books? – A day before yesterday, someone asked me “Why do people love to read books?” 

And it took me a moment to realize that books are the only thing that makes me feel alive. I mean, of course, I can’t answer on behalf of every reader, but to me, they feel so personal. Like yes, I meet new people, and yes, I try to converse with them, but it’s never the same as getting to know those characters, feeling their emotions, that feeling of not only reading the emotions but reading into their emotions, all this makes me feel so good, it’s hard to explain that in words.

People who know me know how I can’t start conversations, how I can’t express my emotions when I feel heavy, but these characters, feel like some old friends who are telling me about their story and my annotations feel like some random comments being thrown in the middle of the conversation! And five minutes into the plot I forget what was even sad or low about. 

Why Do People Love to Read Books?

Honestly, some people don’t really understand the concept or the reason for reading books. Each reader has their own reason for reading…

Some read to cope with real-life

Some to improve their language 

Some to validate their imagination 

Some to fill the void (it can be romantic or platonic)

And sometimes it’s just unreasonable. It’s like you just want to spend time looking at those alphabets. It is an unexplainable feeling.

My personal reason for reading books… actually varies with the book and the day I read. Sometimes it’s to forget real-life problems, may it be the exams, job, household or anything else, sometimes to know some new people (characters) and sometimes… it’s just to not feel lonely. It totally depends on how the day is going.

And their question was also about patience for reading. Well, that was another thing I didn’t have to think about even for a moment, and only a reader can understand this! When we read, it’s not just a story anymore, it becomes a part of our life. While reading those words, we go through the world of those characters. It could be a depressed character or a morally grey individual with a sobbing backstory. After a point of time, it starts to feel so personal that the patience required to read is the ultimate thing. You don’t plan for it, but still, have it in abundance.

I don’t know how exactly to answer why people read but sometimes reading books is so important; it makes you feel light and so relaxed, you can never imagine how some mere words can change your life. And when I talk about reading, I mean not only romance or only fiction. You can read about literally
anything (as long as you can like it and connect with it), and it’ll automatically make you feel better.

Then they said something that almost typically every romance book reader (precisely the books with intense emotions) gets to hear “These types of genres hit differently when you are heartbroken.” Honestly, I’ll never forget what I told them, which is what I believe as well. Having your heart broken isn’t the only time that makes you feel from the depths of your heart.

Sometimes not really having the guts to express your feelings to others makes you feel connected with characters differently. It gives you a chance to express yourself through the characters and the annotations. “You don’t really have to be heartbroken to feel these types of genres! You just need a heart that lets you feel every emotion in its exact form” were my words, and well, I felt so author-y after saying that! LOL!

Just like writing a book, reading is an art!

Reading is therapy!

Reading is love!

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