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When Only Love Remains by Durjoy Datta: Book Review

When Only Love Remains by Durjoy Datta: Book Review – For a romance reader, love is not just a word or a minor feeling, but a whole other world, full of thousands of emotions and roller coaster rides. And this book, well, it is no different. When Only Love Remains, this book is the love story of two heartbroken people who unknowingly have been each other’s saviours the whole time before even meeting.

Usually, I write reviews for the books within the week, you know, to keep the vibe alive in my mind. But this book was different. It has been months since I first read this book, and never, and I mean it, NEVER have I ever read any book with such pure emotions and delicacy. Even after six to seven months, each scene of this book was imprinted on my mind. When I recently re-read this book, I so wished I could read it for the first time. That inked wait before they met each other (and at a point after they meet as well), that anticipation while feeling those emotions, the nervousness of what will happen ahead, was all different.

Anyway, about the book, ah! Honestly, I do not know what to say. IT IS TRULY THE BEST BOOK, one of my go-to. There might be some spoilers. So read at your own risk!!

When only love remains by Durjoy Datta

There are some scenes in the book during their first meet, which actually reminded me of the moments I used to imagine meeting my favourite people, more like my favourite celebs (LOL, I still imagine those stuff, though). Like you see the nervousness of meeting your crush, the chaos that crumbles in your mind and heart, the feeling of ‘abhi nai fir kabhi karte hai’, it felt too personal; as a fangirl, these moments touch me in a second. Each word inked in those pages is my life.

On the top, it might look like a typical romance story, but once you start reading, it makes you feel unreasonably connected. It is not just a story about how Devrat and Avanti met, fell in love, and lived happily ever after! It is about moments of desperation, separation, waiting, and so much more. The years of wait and thoughts about ‘will I ever be able to meet you?’, the certain possessiveness over those people you had nothing to do with yet, but you still cannot bear how other people can freely come close to them but not you. I do not know if you can understand that feeling or not, but all these minor things mean a lot to me; it makes me feel so giddy and emotional at the same time.

Moreover, according to my ‘reader perspective’, it is easy to fall for soft and grey-shade characters who do not let others crumble them down. But that is where Devrat differs from all the characters I have read so far. He is that soft puppy you can not help but fall in love with, even when he tries to be all that helpless and ‘Bechara’ kind. It is not about whether he is strong enough or not but more about how his mere existence can make your day, no matter how he tries to portray himself. It sounds ridiculous, but that’s a fact. Durjoy definitely knows his knack for making the character lovable in a mere scene.

I really do not cry that easily. I mean, a good grip on your emotions is good, right? But when the accident sequence came, I had no control over myself. Whenever the hospital room scene came, I teared up unnoticeably, and I used to feel so weird, but I guess that’s what books can do to you. The climax that saved my “happy ending” sucker heart, though.

If it had been in my control, I would have made certain each reader read this book at least once. When Only Love Remains is truly one of the best Durjoy Datta books I have read and no matter how many more books by him I might read, this one will remain my favourite always.

Get your copy of When Only Love Remains by Durjoy Datta by clicking here. Also, make sure to read and hear Durjoy Datta’s latest books, When I Am with You (available on Amazon, Kindle, and Audible app) and The Opposite of Love (available on the Audible app).

Do check out other reviews on the website.

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