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Wheels Under Our Feet by Archan Thakkar: Book Review

Wheels Under Our Feet by Archan Thakkar: Book Review—The debut novel of the author Archan Thakkar, Wheels Under Our Feet, concerns the story of a young boy who is learning to live but is trying so hard to deal with his insecurities. The story revolves around Ishaan, the college stud who somewhat belongs to a dysfunctional family and believes that it’s hard for anyone to love him.

While it’s entirely possible for you to dislike Ishaan in some parts of the book but once you dive into the book, you get a better understanding of his character with every passing chapter. The story starts with him being the guy who likes Anvita but things don’t work out for them, but the level of obsession Ishaan has for, and not just in the start but almost like half of the book, it’s insanely crazy, to be honest.

Wheels Under Our Feet by Archan Thakkar

This might be one of those rare books where I like the girl characters more than the main male lead. Yes, I could sympathize with him in some instances, but if I consider the entire book, it feels like I will prefer saying Sana was my favorite. That girl can love so unconditionally, no questions asked, and damn, I was so swooned by her. The level of trust she maintained with him, loving him like crazy, staying by his side regardless of the situations, it was just sooooooo amazing.

As you might have known so far, I pinpoint some things in every book that make them special for me. But this time, the parts that are always going to stay with me, I’m going to share them.

Sometimes two nice people can’t make a good relationship together.”

Life is ten percent of what happens to you and ninety percent how you react to it.”

Embarrassment is a waste of time.

Looser means second to winner.

It doesn’t matter if it’s real. It never does with dreams. They aren’t anything anyway but lifesavers to cling to, so you don’t drown. Life is an ocean and most everyone’s hanging on to some kind of dream to keep afloat.

I’m not a lifestyle accessory to her. I’m a necessity.”

When we die, we don’t lose our identity, we gain a much, much bigger one. As big as the universe.”

Anything is worth working for if you want it enough.”

Besides these, there were a lot many parts, which I absolutely loved.

And when I say that I like the female character a little more, I do not mean Ishaan isn’t a worth-it guy, he’s more of a deeply insecure person who for all his life has craved love, from his parents, his sister, and even friends. Talking about friends, I just couldn’t believe how Mohit left Ishaan to deal with his life all by himself, just because he was suddenly not single and his girlfriend didn’t like Ishaan all that much.

I am more of a friend-before-anyone kind of person, which agitates me against Mohit. Like yes, Mohit is supposed to prioritize his girlfriend, but what about his best friend? But then I guess people do change when they find new people. ToT

And to talk about Sana, she is LITERALLY THE EPITOME OF NAIVITY! Like damn, she was just so innocent and lovely… the purity she carries is just amazing. Like I don’t know how to say this, but in every freaking chapter, you can’t just stop yourself from loving her. May it be her family, friends, or being with Ishaan, the overall progress of her character is just amazing. However, I do wish Ishaan would have come clean to her about everything and not left her in the dark; I mean it would have given a better ending to the book, maybe with additional drama or something, I mean who doesn’t love a bit of drama with lots of love confessions? :p

All in all, this book is worth the read. It gives you a better understanding of how men actually feel, how they can be insecure as well, and how they can feel broke too. It was actually too realistic than fiction. Make sure to give it a shot! Tap here to get your copy of Wheels Under Our by Archan Thakkar Feet now!

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