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Tagged For Life by Aditya Nighhot – Book Review

Tagged For Life by Aditya Nighhot – I… well I seriously do not have words to explain what I feel about this book. Tagged For Life is definitely going to be my Shelf-Trophy but I still cannot believe how! To start with, Tagged for Life is a romance fiction written by Aditya Nighhot, a doctor and author by profession. The book covers the story of Ahana Mukherjee, an aspiring author and filmmaker and Karan Malhotra, son of the best film-makers in Bollywood.

Tagged For Life by Aditya Nighhot

Apparently, I was expecting a happy ending with how the story was going, the softness of the characters, the way they grew, their bond with each other, everything was so splendid. But when have I ever got what I expect? There’s always a surprise element, so was in this book. The book starts with Ahana, Karan and Abhay joining the FTII, Pune, their rude, sweet, arrogant, lovely all kind of meetings and moves ahead with their almost breakup to them again meeting.

I did not want to say this aloud, but Ahana broke my heart totally, I understood later why she did what she did but when it was happening, I happened to be one of the people who judged her for leaving him. Like I understand she left for her career but she did not care about him even once? She just left because her father did not? She left because she decided the USA could give her what India could not? And no, by no means I am saying it’s wrong to go with your decisions, but should you not at least for once consider the person you love? Not discuss with them even once and just declare your decision? Like, on a personal basis, I would never be able to understand this.

However, what I loved the most about the book was that as quickly it went away, I did not end up losing interest in it till the end. I mean, it mostly happens that after a certain point of time, when the story is not up to my liking, I start to lose interest in the book but Karan, he did not let me lose my interest even for a bit. His being the softest character I have come across is the best part of the book. The level of love his heart could hold, the amount of respect he had for Ahana, the way he was ready to do literally anything for her, everything was just perfect. From every pinch of their scene to every time they were separated, his only concern was her, and honestly, HE IS THE NEW STANDARD for me. And the writing style… it’s just splendid. I can say for sure, that Aditya knows how to get his readers hooked.

One thing that you may find annoying is that the chapters are not named to let the readers recognize the context. It is a dual POV book and…wait, did I tell you it’s a dual POV book??? YES, THERE ARE CHAPTERS WITH HIS POV AND HONESTLY, THEY ARE THE BEST CHAPTERS OF THE BOOK (at least to me). However, they are not named with their POVs so to help you out, here I am breaking down the chapters with their names.

Ahana’s POV: Chapters 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, 22, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50

Karan’s POV: Chapters 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44,

Third person: Chapters 24

Prologue and Epilogue are in the Author’s POV

One thing I am going to take from this book is the line the book has on its back cover “Marriage is just a destination; but love is a never-ending journey!” I just wish they could reach that destination.

You guys SHOULD get your copies and give this book a read. It did break my heart, made me cry, did make me want to scream out loud, but it was one of the books I will never forget (in a good way). To get your copies of Tagged For Life by Aditya Nighhot, tap here!

Do check out other reviews on the website.

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