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Home » If I Wouldn’t Have by Vishal Maurya – Book Review

If I Wouldn’t Have by Vishal Maurya – Book Review

If I Wouldn’t Have by Vishal Maurya  Book Review — If I Wouldn’t Have, written by Vishal Maurya was a genre-changing book for me, and to be honest, I immensely loved it till the last chapter.

To tell you, at some point in our lives, we question our worth; we question the purpose of our life and think how our people do not want us, honestly; you are not alone; almost every one of us thinks about this. We even say things we never mean without knowing what impact they could make on others. And this book… it is about how one should think before saying something…anything!

If I wouldn't have Vishal Maurya

It took me so much effort to convince myself to read this book because, for the first time in the past six years of being a romance book reader, I thought about changing my genre and trying something new. For a long time, I did not know if any other genre would interest me this much, so I finally tried something from general fiction. And honestly, the story kept me so hooked that I texted the author about this. No lies! Quite an irrelevant thing to mention here, but that is what actually happened, LOL!

If I Wouldn’t Have is a book that revolves around a girl, Saloni, who was bullied in her school and was filled with tremendous negativity. Reading about her made me realize how a simple statement can change other people’s lives, with or without you even realizing it. Even if it is said as a joke, it leaves a harsh impact on others. On the other side, there is Akshat… the way his character develops, and the story unfolds, is another brilliant thing in the book. I loved how he got involved in the whole situation and connected with Saloni and all his efforts to help her mend her life. All of it was just commendable for real.

Honestly, it is hard for me to sum up my feelings about this book in mere words. All I can say is it is a “must-read” book, and I will recommend this anytime, any day! Also, the fact that the book is not just for teenagers but for people of any literal age! It teaches a lot about the importance of the words you speak and the value of inspecting your actions before practising them.

If you have not yet read the book, tap here, and get your copy today! I bet it will make you cry and laugh; satisfy and make you regret things at the same time.

Do check out other reviews on the website.

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