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Guest Posting Submission With Read With Sonal

As an SEO Executive myself, I understand the importance of guest posting for propelling brand awareness on a broad level. Guest posting submission is a strategic approach that offers multiple benefits beyond the immediate SEO impact, besides contributing to building high-quality backlinks.

I have been planning to start the guest posting services here for a long while, and finally, I am here getting started with it. Weighing what categories are allowed for guest post submission here? Here is the list of categories for guest posting submission at Read With Sonal:

  • Books
  • Movies
  • Entertainment
  • Games
  • Fashion
  • Make-up
  • Gadgets
  • Automobile
  • Electronics
  • Food & beverages
  • Textile
  • Decoration
  • Furniture
  • Health and Wellness
  • Travel
  • Cultural Guides
  • Education

If you have content apart from these categories, feel free to email me at (

Guidelines for Guest Post Submission Content

Still here? I appreciate your interest in the guest post services at Read With Sonal. Just to make sure that we are on the same page, here are some of the guidelines that I would love for you to follow for the content. Please follow these guidelines and make sure the content aligns with the requirements.

Content-Length & Quality

The content must be SEO-friendly and must be at least 600 words. It is better for both of us, as you can optimally add your keywords to the content, and the length works best for SEO purposes as well.

The content should be of high quality and must be plagiarism-free. The content will only be posted if it is 100% unique and adds value to the readers. You cannot post the shared guest post content on any other platform.

If I find the article anywhere on the internet, your article will be deleted from without any prior notice. 

Tone and Style

The content must be user-friendly and easy to read. The readers must not find the article difficult to read, and the content will only be posted after I review it myself. Also, the content must be divided into concise paragraphs and relevant titles that may help the user resolve their query.

Images and Media

I agree that images are significant for making a page look interesting, which is why, you must attach at least one image with the content.  Most of all, the image must not cause copyright issues to the website ( You must own the image and have complete rights to use the image.


Of course, the sole purpose for you to have a guest posting submission is to create backlinks for your website/business/brand. Thus, you can add ONE hyperlink to the content. This would provide you with a DO-FOLLOW backlink for your content. The content must be generic which can help the readers and should not contain excessive promotional content; the focus should be on providing valuable information to our audience.

Editing and Proof-Reading

Being a content writer myself, I have become a grammar nazi in some ways (XD). So just giving a heads-up that the content must be grammatically correct before submission, and that includes grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Submit well-polished content that is ready for publication.

Author Bio and Photo

Surely, because the content is supposed to promote your business, so you can include a paragraph of approximately 50-80 words about your business/brand highlighting your expertise and experience.

Submission Process

Once your content is ready and reviewed, send the guest post in a Word Document or Google Docs format to []. Make sure to include a relevant meta title, meta description, and a focus keyword for the content. (The focus keyword must be present in the exact form in the meta title and meta description).

Response Time

I, myself, will review your submitted content promptly before processing the posting. Please allow me up to 3 days for a response. Once I review and post your content, I will share the link via email on the same Email ID you will share the content on.

Note: If the guest post content in any sense does not match either of the criteria mentioned in these guidelines, I own the complete right to reject your submission. Please thoroughly review the content before submitting it so that neither of us has to face the situation of a rejection.

The post submissions will be entirely free of cost. So buck up and send your article.

Submit the form and be the next blogger on Read With Sonal!

If you find yourself in any doubt, feel free to reach out to me via email or just slide into my DM at Instagram.