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Home » Writer’s Guilt by Akhila Krishna – Book Review

Writer’s Guilt by Akhila Krishna – Book Review

Writer’s Guilt by Akhila Krishna – Book Review: A book full of poems, Writer’s Guilt is written by Akhila Krishna. The collection contains work that spreads light on topics like heartbreak, guilt, sadness, secrets, and whatnot. Each piece resonates with authenticity and vulnerability, making it an interesting reflection of how we see life.

Writer’s Guilt by Akhila Krishna – Book Review

To be honest, this might be the first time I have dedicated myself to reading poetry, which, of course, makes me an amateur in the poetry section. But one thing I am sure about is I utterly love how she has framed each piece. The collection includes 25 poems, titled, Sunset, Puppet Show, Rear Window, Destiny, Home Ground, Echoes, Misery, Guilty, Apology, Last Happy Hour, Fragile Love, Pin Drop, Secret, Stockholm, Apocalypse, Escapism, Muted, Devotion, Alleged Lore, Potion, Trickster, Bluff Master, Tenant, Guiding Jack, and finally, Writer.

I don’t have much knowledge about poetry but one thing I can say is I definitely loved the concept of EACH AND EVERY piece. And Rear Window, Echoes, Apology, Guilt, Last Happy Hour, Fragile Love, Devotion, Potion, and Writer are MOST DEFINITELY MY PERSONAL FAVOURITES!!! No second thoughts about that. The way her words mould in these pieces has my whole heart.

The common concept of these poems is the heartache, pain, and guilt felt by an individual. It’s like you can see right through her heart while reading the poems. Like in one of the poems she wrote about an apology to self where she (the character) was making herself suffer due to the insecurities people fed her about her appearance and been at that particular point in my life, I could totally relate to that. And when her words went like –

“Took the pebbles around me and scratched hard on my skin to lighten it,

Seeking all the praise that followed with it which was what I deserved.”

Honestly, my heart broke for her. Just what the thoughts of this polluted world can do to an individual… It’s a wonder how I could complete the poem without crying. It’s like you don’t need an entire book to understand the feelings. One page of it was enough to display the emotions in the perfect sense.

Then there’s this another poem that said –

“Fear and devotion are now a toxic blend.”

There has never been a truer statement. People might not understand it well but fear and devotion can never stay together. They make your life miserable and it is incredible how she summed the thought in just 7 lines. I personally loved it thoroughly.

Just taking the liberty to add another one of her perfect lines –

“Secrets are carefully crafted poisons”

Well? IS THERE ANYTHING MORE ACCURATE? We claim to hate secrets, hate to stay in the dark but have you ever heard someone say it like that? Not me at least and I so agree with her!!!!!

If you are someone who appreciates poetry, you MUST give this book a read. I am hell sure you are going to love it!

In the meantime, stay tuned to Read With Sonal for more book reviews.

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