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Home » Lyrics of a Tangled Heart by Sanyam Jain – Book review

Lyrics of a Tangled Heart by Sanyam Jain – Book review

Lyrics of a Tangled Heart by Sanyam Jain – Book review: A collection of poems related to falling in love, heartbreak, and healing, Lyrics of A Tangled Heart is a beautiful book written by author Sanyam Jain. It’s based on the author’s own life experiences and the fact I love about reading the book is that all the emotions are so raw and the words are so heartfelt, it just made me cry while reading those beautiful poems. It’s not just about heartbreaks but falling in love, the journey of being loved as well.

Lyrics of a Tangled Heart by Sanyam Jain – Book review

For how I started the book, being a part of the community – TLB City, gave me exposure to a wide range of beautiful books and this was one of those books only. And damn, I LOVED IT TOTALLY!!!!!

The poems are written so beautifully, and the language is just so easy to go with, it’s not like you have to spend extra time to understand what the author is trying to say, and to me that makes it way more enjoyable than spending hours to understand it and lose the feel of the moment. Also, the book contains some archaic words (along with their meanings so we do not have to pick dictionaries, lol) and that solely provided me with such a beautiful experience, I can’t tell!

Moreover, reading those poems in the silence of the night with ghazals playing at low volume was just… aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa damn good experience. I loved it in and out! AND the major part that I loved the most about the book – BLACK PAGES. So I said this on Instagram too, I’ll say it again, I LOVE THOSE BLACK PAGES. THEY’RE SO BEAUTIFUL AND EXQUISITE. If you have the book with yourself, you’ll see how beautiful they are, the texture of those pages is so beautiful, the text looks extra beautiful and damn I am in love. ToT

Not just that, Author Sanyam even took reference from one of the most loved American sitcom – F.R.I.E.N.D.S. –

“We shall remember this night as,

‘The one where it all began’

Be the Rachel to my Ross,

Leaving no space for an Emily,

Carol, or Susan.”

Like bro what? I fell in love at that precise moment. (I mean, okay I haven’t watched the show, but we all know how homely it feels to have a reference from there, no?)

Then in one of the poems, he wrote –

“Without you, the world is

Full of darkness,

But with you

Everything becomes lit;

Does love have a limit?”

Ahhhh, okay! Does love really have a limit? I say, no! And then one of the poems is about your lover being your heartbeat (I can’t show you all here, lol). You should most definitely give this book a read to know what love is, what heartbreak is and damn, to read about the healing journey.

Okay so there’s this poem in heartbreak segment under the name of cursed, and here are sone lines from that poem –

“I submerged in your love,

Deeper than I was supposed to

While I kept visiting the old

Paths we travelled together,

You probably kept treading

Around what was new.”

Umm… yeah that might have taken me to some old memories lol! I am not saying this for the sake of saying it, but I genuinely mean it, if you love to read poetries on love, heartbreak and healing, this book is definitely a MUST-READ!

My trophy treasure it is now! Make sure to get it for yourself as well, and you know the knack! Once you read the book, make sure to DM me on Instagram to tell me how you feel about it. I am always open to hearing your thoughts on varied books. And of course, don’t forget to let the author know how you feel about their book, it means so much!

Up until the next review, stay tuned to Read With Sonal for more reviews on the fantastic books that come my way!

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